Weather Studies textbook 7Ed - non-expiring
Weather Studies textbook 7Ed - non-expiring
By: Elizabeth Mills
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Title information
Students using the Weather Studies textbook can explore twelve principal themes, plus three independent themes, arranged by chapter. Themes are organized so that Earth’s atmosphere emerges as an interactive system subject to physical laws. Chapter 1 focuses on sources of weather information, and Chapter 2 covers the origin, composition, and structure of the atmosphere. Chapter 3 examines Earth’s radiation budget, which Chapter 4 follows with the controls of temperature and atmospheric circulation via the radiation budget. Chapter 5 focuses on air pressure measurement and implications of horizontal and vertical changes in air pressure. Chapter 6 addresses humidity, saturation, and stability, which leads into Chapter 7 as it details cloud and precipitation formation and types. Chapter 8 focuses on the forces governing atmospheric circulation, and Chapter 9 covers planetary-scale circulation features, including oscillations. Chapter 10 describes mid-latitude weather systems, while Chapter 11 details thunderstorms and tornadoes and Chapter 12 details tropical storms and hurricanes. The independent themes, Chapter 13 covers weather analysis and forecasting, Chapter 14 delves into atmospheric optics and acoustics, and Chapter 15 describes aspects of climate and climate change. All chapters have accompanying investigations in the Investigations Manual.
Elizabeth Mills
The Associate Director of the American Meteorological Society Education Program, where she has worked for 15 years, Beth is the principal writer of grant proposals, reports, and related journal articles, serves as technical editor for major course publications, and organizes workshops for teachers and minority-serving institution faculty. She holds B.S. and M.S. in Meteorology degrees from Penn State University and is passionate about increasing the scientific literacy of kids through the excitement of the geosciences.
Weather Studies: Introduction to Atmospheric Science includes 15 chapters exploring the atmosphere from an Earth-system perspective. From weather prediction and long range forecasting for Atlantic hurricanes, to El Niño and La Niña and global climate, this etextbook explores how energy from the Sun creates the weather of our daily lives.
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The Weather Studies Student Package bundles Weather Studies textbook, manual and portal at a discounted price.
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For the rental Online ePub, ePub Download, or print on demand softcover, go to Weather Studies Student Package 2023-24.
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