Weather Studies textbook Ed6 - non-expiring

Weather Studies textbook Ed6 - non-expiring

Publication date: July 2015

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Title information

The Weather Studies textbook includes 15 chapters exploring the atmosphere from an Earth system perspective. In the sixth edition, AMS updated the science and case studies as well as adding new photographs and line drawings. This edition also includes numerous Topics in Depth, which allow the instructor and students to engage a topic that may serve as a jumping off point from the chapter narrative. New and expanded topics in the sixth edition include explanation of the scientific method (Chapter 2), Mars missions to explore past presence of liquid water on the planet’s surface and possibilities for life (Chapter 2), the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report and National Climate Assessment findings about climate change (Chapters 3 and 15), cloud droplet formation (Chapter 7), remote sensing of precipitation (Chapter 7), snow rollers (Chapter 8), frequency of El Niño and La Niña (Chapter 9), El Niño and coral bleaching (Chapter 9), thundersnow (Chapter 11), transient luminous events (Chapter 11), the 2012 Mid-Atlantic derecho (Chapter 11), Superstorm Sandy (Chapter 12), hot towers (Chapter 12), trends in hurricane frequency (Chapter 12), and computer modeling (Chapter 13). In addition, Chapter 15 underwent a substantive update and most sections are significantly revised or brand new from the fifth edition.

Language: English
Publisher: American Meteorological Society
Edition: English
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